We are adding another engine to our train collection, this time it’s a diesel and not so many pieces as last months steamer..


Strip One is my favorite this month, it’s a single piece.


Strip Two starts with E1 and it’s SC piece.  Next is E2 to S3.  To build the strip take S2 sew to E1, then take that and sew to S3/E2, and then sew that to E3.  This completes Strip Two.


Strip Three has the SC piece being sewn to the E4 piece.  Sew the S4 piece to the C1 piece.  Now build the strip by sewing S4 to E4 and that’s done.


Strip Four is built by making the W1 wheels the same as previous months (see figures below), then sewing S6 to the completed W1, add the next W1, sew top of S7 to bottom of E5, then sew these to the first set of wheels, complete the right hand end set of wheels and sew to complete Strip Four.

Chiloquilters Train Quilt, Block Seven  -  Diesel

Diesel Block Printed with permission ©Copyright 2003 Chiloquilters

Strip Five is the second easiest (Yeah!), just sew R1 to G1.  This completes the last strip.


The last piecing to do is to sew EC to the top edge of S5, then S5 to C1.  This piece will be sewn to the right hand edge of Strips Two and Three when they are put together which will happen in the next instructions/


To complete the block sew the top of Strip Three to the bottom of Two (align on the left edge of each strip).  With these two strips sewn together we can now sew on the side strip S5 to the right hand edge of the assembly (see I told ya’).  When done sew the top of Strip Five to the bottom of Strip Four, the top of Strip Four to the bottom of the of the assembled strips.  Lastly sew the bottom of Strip One to the top of the assembly.  That ‘should’ complete the block.  Well done!  Just a side note:  Linda has made the engines black, gray, red, yellow, it doesn’t matter they all look great!



Cut Size

Finished Size



2 pieces dark

1 x 1 1/2

1/2 x 1



1 piece engine

3 1/2 x 1 1/2

3 x 1



1 piece engine

1 1/2 x 2 1/2

1 x 2



1 piece engine

3 1/2 x 5 1/2

3 x 5



1 piece engine

3 1/2 x 11

3 x 10 1/2



1 piece engine

3 1/2 x 1 1/2

3 x 1



1 piece engine

1 x 1

1/2 x 1/2



1 piece earth/ground

2 x 12 1/2

1 1/2 x 12



1 piece light grey

1 x 12 1/2

1/2 x 12




Cut Size

Finished Size



1 piece sky

2 1/2 x 12 1/2

2 x 12



1 piece sky

3 1/2 x 4

3 x 3 1/2



1 piece sky

2 1/2 x 2 1/2

2 x 2



1 piece sky

1 1/2 x 3

1 x 2 1/2



1 piece sky

1 1/2 x 6

1 x 5 1/2



2 pieces sky

1 x 2 1/2

1/2 x 2



1 piece sky

3 1/2 x 1 1/2

3 x 1



18 pieces sky

1 x 1

1/2 x 1/2



4 pieces dark

2 1/2 x 2 1/2

2 x 2
